Hi all,
this is my first post

sorry in advance for my poor english.
Here's my build:
GA-H97M-D3H (rev 1.1) f8b BIOS - Intel Pentium G3258 - Sapphire ATI HD6450 - 2x8GB G.Skill 1600mhz - HD 500GB - Corsair RMX550 PSU - OS: WinXP SP3.
I had no problems with this system until i have installed a "prehistoric" Itex ADSL PCI NIC card. With this device inserted, the computer only shutdown once on two attempts.
This is what happens when the system has booted normally:
1. when i click the shutdown button in Windows the computer turns off (fans and fan lights stop running) but after 3 or 4 seconds it boots up;
2. after that reboot, when i click the shutdown button in windows, it shutdown normally;
3. pushed the power button on the case > boot complete, when i try to shutdown, it boots up again;
4. on next reboot it shutdown correctly.
So 1st time pc reboots, 2nd time it shutdown, 3rd time it reboots, 4th it shutdown and this behaviour continues, reboots and shutdown alternatively. Really too strange, never heard about it before. The only way to shutdown all the time is by removing the pci card. But i need it

When inserted in another motherboard (GA-P31-DS3L) i solved by disabling "PME Event Wake Up" in the bios. Disabling same feature in my GA-H97M-D3H doesn't help. With another similar pci card (with a different chipset) the system shutdown correctly everytime but the adsl line disconnects hitself continuosly, so a problem also this time.
I tried almost everything: cmos cleared and new battery, bios reflashed, disabled/enabled all features in bios (WOL, resume by alarm, power on mouse and keyboard, ERP, Platform Power Management, AC back, cpu boost and so on), downgraded pci driver, tried on another pci slot, with others two different power supply, booted on safe, on win7, on linux live, changed "PowerdownAfterShutdown" value in the registry, same behaviour in all cases. In the advanced configuration of the pci device there aren't magic packets and Wake on Lan options to uncheck and removing the cable line from it doesn't help.
Any suggestion to solve a mistery?
P.S.: please no advice about using others network devices or about unsupported SO or a lot of ram when only about 3.5GB is recognized and similar opinions, thanks