Since I had this motherboard XMP has been disabled in the APP CENTRE and in bios would cause boot error, also any bios above F21 would blue screen my PC, however today I tried the new bios F24 and happy to announce its working, well so far, PC has been on for a few hours no problems. In the APP centre the XMP is still disabled, I understand maybe my RAM is not compatible Corsair LPX (64G) 4 X 16 sticks DDR4. Today I altred the XMP to profile 1, now the ram also supports profile 2 but that option is not available in Bios, I engaged profile 1 3333mhz and everything booted up fine. I checked the ram speed and it was close to 3333mhz. Then a problem occurred when I went back into bios to change the LED settings, on boot I got the same errors before and the only option was to turn off XMP. Once booted up I decided to return to bios and try to enable the XMP again and everything is fine so far, turned PC off, restarted and no boot errors.
So the point is, this motherboard is now semi compatible with the Corsair LPX RAM but I would not suggest it, would be nice to have an XMP profile 2.0 which would increase my ram to 3700mhz, but cant have it all ways...