well, credit where credit is due
A very helpful chap from Gigabyte called (twice) today to chat through the problem and it would appear they may have got a resoluion to the problem.
Ill get back to you and (hopefully) give you the happy ending
Thanks runn3r and Nigel 
That is what often happens in larger companies, the so called "front-line" staff and direct customer support are usually too busy trying to pander to HQ to remember that customer with problems are just as important as potential ones, perhaps moreso in terms of impact on referrals.
I am not saying this specifically about GA, lot of the bigger firm tend to have less than steller responses or response time, partly due I suppose to all the myriad enquires/problems and whinge mail they get for the crazies

I guess that is why having someone who actually deals with a forum day-to-day and in direct contact with a wide range of views and opinions, pretty much uncensored, it a bloody good thing

He certainly helped me out not long ago when my stupid registration didn't work on the GA webpage.
I have only ever had to deal with GA via Asia actually, I fired off a few mails (basic questions really, not problems), but I got decent responses in a timely manner.
Certainly it is good to know, that if I ever do have issues and some pen pusher is being obtuse, that I have a few contacts in GA (and some other comapnies) which help cut through the fud we get at times

Nice to see you are getting it attended to mate, and it sounds like they are lavishing attention on you too.