What I need to know is what settings to put in the BIOS to get a stable overclock at 3.8 to 4 GHz.
Guess what?
It isn't paint-by-numbers, you cannot plug-and-play over clocking.
Each chip is vary different (binning) and each cooling solution + case ventilation varies, so to the variables of RAM and motherboard.
You need to learn the basics (it isn't too hard) by reading tutorials (Google will throw up hundreds) and then once you know enough to not fry things with obscene voltages, gradually explore the limits of your system. If you are doing it right it will take a while too

You can of course take a peek at other people's settings and simply "copy them" provided you are talking about a moderate OC, perhaps 3.8ghz, any more and things can get hairy.
It would be a bit irresponsible of anyone to give you numbers for anything much higher, often careful tinkering is needed.
Once upon a time with the 775 socket it was a walk in the park, now however QPI and all the ways each of the bits relate to one and other make it a tad more complex