Been using this Z370 AORUS Gaming 3 motherboard for a few months now,Out the box when i game i'm getting micro stuttering and just overall poor performance when gaming. I have it paired with a 8700k with a noctua d15 cooler, 16gb 3000mhz DDR4 corsair ram with a EVGA 1080. I updated from the F1 bios it came with too the F7 the latest thinking it may help but it doesn't seem to of cured the problem.
Things i've done,
Made sure power mode is in high performance in windows, GPU in high performance.
XMP profile is enabled in bios, One thing that is weird is my motherboard recognizes the CPU in the info tab but not when i select which CPU i have, it has all the coffeelake cpu's just not the 8700k so i have just left it on Auto. I have ran the pc in default bios settings with XMP/without XMP and it's the same.
Re seated all my parts multiple times. All my temps are cool on CPU 45c in game, Mobo around 35-45 in game, GPU sits around the 65-75c mark when in game.
My friend using the same hardware exactly and bios version isn't experiencing any issues at all. I've even tested my ram,cpu and GPU now in his rig and they work fine no issues at all, I'm powering it with a corsair 750w gold rated power supply. PC is using all SSD's gaming/OS.
I'm at a loss why it performs so badly in games, I'm leaning towards a fault with the motherboard itself as everything else i have tested in my friends rig, only thing i haven't tested is dropping the motherboard out and testing it in his computer only because he lives so far away going on the train with the motherboard.
My question is has anyone had any issues with such a set up using this motherboard?