Selling a couple of GA-770TA-UD3 on Ebay - any takers ?
In the spirit of exploration, how much are you selling for? Or better still in another thread you say:
I'd gladly send the GA770TA-UD3 motherboard and DIMMs to Gigabyte for anlaysis as the supplier won't exchange them.
I don't work for Gigabyte and I can't really afford to buy a motherboard that I won't use but if we could come to some arrangement it would be good to see if this board shows the same problems with my Phenom ii X4 CPU and Corsair Memory as my own GA-790XTA-UD4 board originally did and, if it does, is the problem still there with my Phenom ii X6 CPU? It might help clarify the situation a bit and it would also show if it is really the memory at fault or if the CPU, BIOS or something else is to blame.
You might like to contact me via PM to see if, maybe, we can solve this mystery. You have the motherboard, I have the CPU's, 1600 Mhz Corsair Dominator Memory and the time.

I Look forward to hearing from you.