« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2023, 12:28:23 pm »
This is the list of Bios Keys. Have you tried to hit f12 again when booting?
The BIOS Setup menus described in this chapter are for reference only and may differ by BIOS•
BIOS Setup Program Function Keys
<h><i><><> Move the selection bar to select an item
<Enter> Execute command or enter the submenu
<Esc> Main Menu: Exit the BIOS Setup program
Submenus: Exit current submenu
<Page Up> Increase the numeric value or make changes
<Page Down> Decrease the numeric value or make changes
<F1> Show descriptions of the function keys
<F2> Move cursor to the Item Help block on the right (submenus only)
<F5> Restore the previous BIOS settings for the current submenus
<F6> Load the Fail-Safe BIOS default settings for the current submenus
<F7> Load the Optimized BIOS default settings for the current submenus
<F8> Access the Q-Flash utility
<F9> Display system information
<F10> Save all the changes and exit the BIOS Setup program
<F11> Save CMOS to BIOS
<F12> Load CMOS from BIOS
This is some options you can try. here is how you boot back into the backup BIOS:
Method 1
Shut off your computer
Hold the power button until your computer starts and shuts down again
Press the power button again, your backup BIOS should kick in now and should re-flash the backup BIOS if there's anything wrong with the new one.
Method 2
Shut off your computer
Hold the power AND the reset button for about 10 sec, than release.
It should boot into the backup BIOS now.
Method 3
Only use this if nothing else works.
Short out pins 1 and 6 on the main BIOS chip by attaching a jumper to both the pins (pin #1 should be marked with a red dot or whatever)
Tell a friend to press the power on button while you do this because right now you are holding the jumper on the pins
Remove the jumper you're holding between pins 1 and 6 as soon as you hear a beep.
Backup BIOS should boot now.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2023, 12:29:04 pm by dmdilks »

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