Its getting intresting !
build it all outside on a piece of flat wood.
Only the most urgent stuff on.
MOBO, PSU, Graficcard, RAM, CPU, cable to power button.
So first thing happen was that 9 boot of 10 FAILED ! intresting i think, just because all HDD and USB plugs are missing? naah..?!
So I think wht the heck and Rip off the RAM also!
Now Im without RAM and start well well the first 5 boots trys are "perfect" the GPU FAN is low and nice.
Then I try some more... And all the sudden with NO RAM the Boot ups Fails again ! GPU FAN screams at 100% and its acting the same as when a Monitor will fail to boot.. and this error occured 6times in a row..
So Maby THIS means that the RAM is Not faulty i Guess !
A Side note, > I dont know how a GPU should work, but if I Un-plug 1 or 2 of the 6pin power cables the Fan screams at 100% as "an error boot".
Maby this means noghting But maby it does..