My Mobo:
Gigabyte H55-USB3My CPU:
Intel i5-750My DDR3: Corsair Dominator
TR3x6G-1600C8D which has 1600mhz when XtremeMemoryProfile enabled...
Some thoughts, correct me if I wrong:
- i5-750 default memory controller speed is 1333mhz... So my gigabyte mobo must tweak it to 1600mhz...
- when I enable XtremeMemoryProfile (1600 mhz 8-8-8-24), my CPU VCore is 1.28V (idle) to 1.264v (100% load), temp is 56C (idle) to 99C (100% load)
- when I disable it (1333 mhz 9-9-9-24), my CPU VCore is 0.88V (idle at 1.2Ghz) to 1.184v (100% load), temp is 40C (idle) to 78C (100% load)
Some facts:
- I already reseated my CPU, even replace my CPU and motherboard with the new one from the shop, still the same temp
- 6 fan cooled case. No problem with the case
- Fan maxed out at 2500RPM++. No problem with the fan
- Stock fan, stock paste, stock frequency no OC
1. Is that temp when XMP disabled (40C (idle) to 78C (100% load)) is normal? If not, do you know why and how to solve it??
2. Is that temp when XMP enabled (56C (idle) to 99C (100% load)) is normal? If not, do you know why and how to solve it?
3. Do you think that I need undervolting? If yes, how?
4. Do you think that I need another solution (such as maybe kick-ass hydrogene cooling?

)? If yes, please mention?