Caution: This tutorial is intended for those who wish to update the BIOS corresponding with your card's part number, or have received a GPU with the wrong BIOS installed. I am not advocating flashing to a BIOS which is not applicable to its respective GPU. That is purely your own decision. Therefore, I am not responsible for any bad flashes and/or voided warranties.
Step #1 - Use GPU-Z to save your original BIOS to your Desktop, as a .bin file. Keep this safe.
Step#2 - Download the appropriate BIOS for your GPU. It should end with .rom extension
Step#3 - Rename your BIOS file to BIOS.rom
Step#4 - Download NVTurboFlash and save it to your Desktop - Download UltraISO trial and save it to your Desktop - Open UltraISO, click File>Open>NVTurboFlash.iso (the one you downloaded in Step #4) You will then see NVTurboFlash in the "Image" column of the UltraISO main window

Step #7 - Click and drag the new BIOS.rom file over to the open UltraISO window, and drop it right under where it says "RENAME BIOS TO (BIOS.ROM).txt"

Step #8 - Click on "Bootable" at the top of the UltraISO window, then click on "Write Disk Image..", and another window will pop up.

Step #9 - For Disk Drive, choose your usb flash drive Leave Write Method alone, it should be "USB-HDD+" If you haven't formatted your flash drive yet, click on Format, and run that like normal. Then click on "Write" and let it do it's thing to your flash drive. You now have a properly formatted bootable usb flash drive with the vga bios on it.

Step #10 - Reboot computer, and go into the BIOS. Within the Hard Disk Boot Priority menu, select your USB Flash drive as the First Boot device. Leave all other settings alone. Save and quit BIOS.
Step #11 - Boot up computer, which should go straight into the USB flash drive, and pull up the NVFlash software. It will prompt you to select "y" to continue. Just make sure it found your old BIOS and your new BIOS correctly, and hit y. You will do this once for each card. There will be an audible "beep" once with each card. It is perfectly normal. Once done and at the C:\> prompt, press Control+Alt+Delete.
Step #12 - Reboot back into BIOS and change boot priority back to your normal settings, with your OS drive(s) First in Priority. Save and quit BIOS, then go straight back into the Operating System
Step #13 - Verify the flash was successful by opening up GPU-Z again, and confirming you now have the updated BIOS
Step #14 - Rename the BIOS.rom and your original BIOS .bin file something which will immediately tell you what it is. 480BIOS21.rom is an example for the updated file. Save each to an external hard drive
Step #15 - Enjoy!
Special thanks to loveordie, the creator of NVTurboFlashPREVIOUS POSTSo, I have the latest BIOS for my GTX 480 which is
How do I update my GPU BIOS, if I ever have to?
BTW This is the GB's latest GPU BIOS for GTX 480 and this is the EVGA's latest BIOS for GTX 480 So can I install the EVGA BIOS on the GB GTX 480 as they have the same GPU Device ID?