Water cooling is an idea that I might entertain. What are the risks associated with "liquid cooling"? How bad is maintenance? Would I need to change the fluid every few months? If so how hard is that?
I was thinking about putting one of these in unless there is a better option at $400?
How much would a liquid cooling set up cost? What would I need to buy for a entry, mid, or high water cooling system?
How do you suppose this water cooled computer would compare to a 12 core Mac pro when doing workstation applications (CS5)?
I am glad to seeyou returned to the forum and let's see if we can give you a guiding hand.
The risks assosciated with liquid cooling are not much more than with air cooling if it is set up properly with good equiptment. It should be leak tested before powering up the system and if sound then it should be fine. See the pictures of some of our rigs in the thread :
http://forum.giga-byte.co.uk/index.php/topic,2373.0.htmlGenerally the fluid used isn't water, even though "pure" water isn't electrically conductive contrary to normal beliefs, most people use a non conductive fluid such as Feser1 or Primochill Ice. This is recommended to be changed every year or so. Not difficult if the system is set up properly.
I must admit to not knowing anything of real value about the drive you mentioned apart from the fact that they exist. How they compare to a normal SSD I can't say. They do appear to be more expensive though. My one reservation would be that they would be sharing bandwidth with the graphics cards, but I know that isn't a problem in your case.
I don't think I would bother watercooling your memory but maybe just your CPU and if you are using magnetic disks for storage and they are going to get a hammering then you could cool them as well. Your motherboard can be watercooled but it depends on how much strain you will put it under. Prices are from£60(no good to you) to several hundreds for a top end cooling system which we can discuss later if you are interested.
Hope this helps somewhat.