Hey all!
What is the difference between the REV.1 & REV.2 on the GA-X58A-UD7? in terms of hardware changes and items in the box ??
REV.1 X58A-UD7
http://www.gigabyte.com.au/fileupload/product/2/3251/1266.jpgREV.2 X58A-UD7
http://www.gigabyte.com.au/fileupload/product/2/3527/3246.jpgThere has been so moch guessing, rumos and speculations, so much false information on the intern
et, that it is now frustrates people leaving GIGABYTe and going for the more straightforward no-nonsense brands (I saw some tweakers change to MSI & ASUS boards. Before more users turn their back at the marketing stories of GIGABYTE, please, tell us the TRUTH

We are paying ±300 EUROS for these boards and we want to know the TRUTH. No made up marketing stories please! Just the true differences. We will then decide ourselved which one is best for us.
On your website, you are hiding all the crucial information of the changes youve made on rev2, under specs/overview! Nothing to be found there on the changes in revision, except unusefull marketing information.
In return for a full, truth list of exact hardware upgrades AND DOWNGRADES between rev1 and rev2, I will promise to stick to your brand

and not change over to more straightforward MSI or ASUS.
Cheers and Thanks a lot, on behalf of all us faithfull GIGABYTE buyers!