Official GIGABYTE Forum

GA-X58A-UD3R says 'detecting hard drives, done no drives found' then it boots up


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Just built new computer and have a few problems and questions.

During boot up it says 'detecting hard drives, done, no drives found' followed by 'verifying DMI pool data' and then 'boot from cd/dvd'. But then goes ahead and boots up anyway from my SSD. But then it always shows 'Do you want to allow the following program to make changes to this computer'

                              (pic of steering wheel)    Program name:      GUI MFC Application
                                                                     Verified publisher:  GIGABYTE UNITED INC.
                                                                     File origin:               Hard drive on this computer

Whether I select yes or no the computer then functions.  My guess is that it needs to find the drive during boot up and then it won't show up the other fault. But I don't know how to fix it.

Other components: 6gb Geil PC3-12800 CL=8-8-8-28 : i7 930 CPU : 128GB Crucial SSD : 1tb WD had drive : Fenrir cooler : Sony DVD rewriter : Corsair TX650W : Sapphire HD5770 Vapor-X : Windows 7 64 bit OEM

SSD (boot drive O/S)  connected to the 6gb sata port number 6 set ot AHCI : Hard drive on sata port 0 set to AHCI : DVD set to sata port 9 set to IDE

Boot order is set to CD then hard drive

I will post other problem seperately but twice I have had a BSOD 6.1.7600. Also I bought an overclocked motherboard bundle but I don't think it is. Most of the settings are on auto and the memory is running at 1066 whereas its rating is 1600 and the processor is set at 2.0ghz How do I test this, any assistance greatly appreciated, Note, I did a memory test and it seemed ok.



Dark Mantis

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The first thing I would recommend is to clear the CMOS and reload the BIOS optimised default settings. This will force it to find the correct drives and other devices hopefully. If you are still having trouble with the boot drive try changing it to IDE mode instaed. The performance hit isn't very much and it is more stable.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2010, 08:01:40 pm by Dark Mantis »
Gigabyte X58A-UD7
i7 920
Dominators 1600 x6 12GB
6970 2GB
256GB SSD, Sam 1TB, WDB320GB
HAF 932

Gigabyte Z68X-UD5-B3
i7 3770K
Vengeance 1600 16GB
6950 2GB
Revo Drive x2, 1.5TB WDB RAID0
16x DLRW
StrikeX S7
Full water cooling
3 x 27" Iiy


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Hi Dark Mantis,

Thank you for your prompt reply.

I have limited knowledge of CMOS and BIOS etc. I managed to follow instructions to get it set up and working but was wary about making other changes.

Won't doing what you have suggested and clearing the CMOS and reloading the BIOS lose all the overclocking settings that I paid for. Not that I am confident that this has been done as the CPU is showing as running at 2.0 instead of 2.8 and the memory is running at 1066 but is rated at 1600. Most of the adjustable settings seem to be set to AUTO

I will await further feed back before proceeding. Isn't there a way I can save the current settings to reload if needed. If so, some step by step instructions would be appreciated. I did notice an iluminated clear CMOS switch on the back of the computer but I haven't touched that,

Thanks again,


Dark Mantis

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OK Graham, no problem. First from what you have said it doesn't sound like your machine has been overclocked at all. Yes you can save your BIOS settings to the hard drive. This is done by going into the BIOS and then look for the "Advanced BIOS Features" page. Near the bottom of this page you will see an option to "Backup BIOS Image to HDD" . Enable this.

To clear the CMOS follow the instructions in our FAQ section here:,2286.0.html
« Last Edit: September 01, 2010, 08:40:32 pm by Dark Mantis »
Gigabyte X58A-UD7
i7 920
Dominators 1600 x6 12GB
6970 2GB
256GB SSD, Sam 1TB, WDB320GB
HAF 932

Gigabyte Z68X-UD5-B3
i7 3770K
Vengeance 1600 16GB
6950 2GB
Revo Drive x2, 1.5TB WDB RAID0
16x DLRW
StrikeX S7
Full water cooling
3 x 27" Iiy


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Thanks again Dark Mantis,

I have printed off the link about resetting the CMOS but see following comments. I usually jump into things head first without thinking. I have sent an email to the company I purchased the overclock bundle from. I will wait to see what they say. I have sent them the two minidump files from the two BSOD dumps that I had and asked them to tell how I can check that my set up is overclocked properly.

I don't want to mess it up if it is done because they said that every overclock is different and that there isn't a single set of settings to suit all. As I have said this area is a bit beyond my comfort zone. My guess is that there should be a back up of the setings they have made.

Another question. I have run prime 95 and had no problems but is there a program I can run that will show me processor and or memory speed and performance and temperatures.

Thank you,


Dark Mantis

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That all makes perfect sense and I think you are wise not to get ahead of yourself. All to easilly done. If the company you bought it from has indeed overclocked it they should have a backup of the settings that they could send you and I would think have an image of it on the hard drive in a hidden folder or partition. As you say every machine is different when it comes to overclocking.

Prime95 is fine for stress testing but there are many programs out there
that will report what you want. Everybody has their own favourites but there is Everest, CPU-Z, GPU-Z, RealTemp, Coretemp, and for hard drives etc there are similar ones like HD Tune, etc. The best thing is to google  for a few and see which ones you like best.

Post back if you want some more advice on going ahead.
Gigabyte X58A-UD7
i7 920
Dominators 1600 x6 12GB
6970 2GB
256GB SSD, Sam 1TB, WDB320GB
HAF 932

Gigabyte Z68X-UD5-B3
i7 3770K
Vengeance 1600 16GB
6950 2GB
Revo Drive x2, 1.5TB WDB RAID0
16x DLRW
StrikeX S7
Full water cooling
3 x 27" Iiy


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Well I don't really know what I am doing but I just downloaded Passmark Performance Test Software.

My test came back with 4323 for the CPU which seems very poor if I am reading it right, the chart shows 5826

The graphics card was right on the mark at 1570 and the Disk Mark was way better than listed

I will still wait for feedback from the supplier before making any changes



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Hi Dark Mantis,

I was just preparing a post when you replied. Will any of the programs you have listed show the actual speed of the processor. I am sure my CPU and RAM is running slower than standard.



Dark Mantis

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CPU-Z will show the speed. Everest will also report on the speed and everything else.
Gigabyte X58A-UD7
i7 920
Dominators 1600 x6 12GB
6970 2GB
256GB SSD, Sam 1TB, WDB320GB
HAF 932

Gigabyte Z68X-UD5-B3
i7 3770K
Vengeance 1600 16GB
6950 2GB
Revo Drive x2, 1.5TB WDB RAID0
16x DLRW
StrikeX S7
Full water cooling
3 x 27" Iiy


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Thanks again,

spooky, those were the two I chose from the list will give one a go



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I have run Passmark, CPU-Z and Everest. All of them report my processor as running at just over 2.00 Is this right, I am only doubting it because I read somewhere that the speed can be slow while the processor is idle and ramps up when being pushed more.

I can only get these programs to show a list. I am guessing, probably incorrectly, that there is a way to stress the computer to show its performance under load. I may have to wait and get someone with more knowledge to have a look, but I don't think it is running at standard speed let alone overclocked.


Dark Mantis

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You could run a stress test program alongside a reporting program if you want to be sure that the CPU is working flat out.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2010, 10:09:28 pm by Dark Mantis »
Gigabyte X58A-UD7
i7 920
Dominators 1600 x6 12GB
6970 2GB
256GB SSD, Sam 1TB, WDB320GB
HAF 932

Gigabyte Z68X-UD5-B3
i7 3770K
Vengeance 1600 16GB
6950 2GB
Revo Drive x2, 1.5TB WDB RAID0
16x DLRW
StrikeX S7
Full water cooling
3 x 27" Iiy