Hi guys,Absic and DM,
Gosh you guys are awesome, thank you for your kindness ,courtesy and help. You are both quite right I really want to stay with my MO as you call it and I am able to get Gigabyte for a lot less than I can any other but that is not the point. Sorry to be away for awhile but I am afraid my health goes when I get a bit concerned or anxious. I have spent too many (much needed in other areas) dollars on what I thought was upgrading this little gem I have had since 2006. I did this for a specific reason and I now think I may be approaching the whole dilemma from the wrong angle.
As I have mentioned earlier I am a C patient and this last one was my fourth primary. I am still undergoing treatment for my original Prostate C.(7 years now) I mention this for no other reason than to make a point. I am an ex Royal Australian Air Force member and a keen aircraft enthusiast. Sooo I got myself into Flight Simulation. I find it very relaxing and a great therapeutic aid. I got Flight Sim 2004 and the new Flight SimX. I only use FS2004 because the frame rates on FSX are too high and I had video probs.FS2004 is not so demanding but what happened before I went mental and did this costly to us upgrade was I had blue screen and CTD. So this mental went out and got a 1 gig nvidia gts250 graphics card. a 750w power supply and a few new cables and connectors.I also was able to increase RAM to 2 gig. Man I was happy with end result. After about a week I downloaded a screensaver and it chewed up CPU and frame rates to 89-90. I uninstalled and that is when the proverbial sugar hit the fan. When I got back into FS2004 after about 5 minutes an alarm buzz of some description (Icannot identify ?what alarm) comes on. It comes on at irregular intervals and the gets more and more frequent until it becomes more on than off.
I have checked with and sort the aid of all the "supposed " experts that I could afford at the time and the response is "you need more RAM". I never had a problem with myFS2004 until after the install of the screensaver. I keep getting "you need more RAM". That is where you guys came into the picture because I explained the whole deal to Gigabyte Support and their answer was "we cannot guarantee you will not cause damage if you try to increase to 4 gigRAM". Although it would be a heartache to try and rearrange all the simulator software I wonder if I should clear it from the Hard Drive and reinstall. Wouldn't explain the screensaver though.(It did the same buzzing).
All my CD/DVD creation, capture, sound creation, movie, music and photographic software have no dramas at all. Everone keeps saying increase the RAM, it will go faster and you will stop the problem. Ahrrrrr!,damnnn @#&dunk.!!
Dear gentlemen that is the full story. Your thoughts Please! Sorry for the book but I need help.
God Bless,
Spirit...aka Rusty.