I have read of many other Marvell problems since this Spring (going back through your messages...) when I built a new rig with
X58A-3udr Gigabyte mobo - still on F1 BIOS
i7 - 920 no o/c
6Gig Crucial 1066 RAM
JBOD including two Barrcuda XTs SATA-III
Crucial 300 SSD as boot on SATA-II
Please read this if you have time and tell me if I have faulty Marvell controller or just don't know how to switch the I/O and the right order of events during the OS install process.! Sorry for the wordy post but I thought the details and order were important. I have been chasing the e-mail tech support people for a week but as many of you have experienced, no matter how I ask the question, the words that come back answer a question I didn't ask! Or are unintelligible.
I made a mistake in March and loaded Win7-64 under IDE. I used the machine for a while but had always hoped to re-install.This is a production machine for my imaging work, not just a hobby, although I enjoy making everything work well together. I started on the IDE-AHCI switch and necessary re-install a while ago to be ready for my next professional project. Now the beginning of that project is 24 hours away.
When this all started I resolved to be careful. I studied their site and the supplied 136-page mobo documentation and carefully changed three settings in the BIOS to insure AHCI on all the controllers. I watched boot screens carefully to make sure I had a completely AHCI - enabled disk I/O. (I photographed the fast-paging screens to make sure I could read the lists.) However, the Marvell chip-driven SATA-III connectors (there are 2) kept displaying on the first boot page as IDE. Only if I moved the connectors to the SATA-II run by the Intel chip would they (two Barracuda XTs) display during boot as AHCI.
So I sent a message to Gigabyte asking why, and noting all the system info. Yes, there are BIOS updates but I told them I'd do those after the re-install (I don't like changing too many pieces at once) unless they knew that an update was required for the moves I was making. The first several answers were garbled and didn't answer my questions. After some back and forth I replied finally that they were "not reading carefully enough" and the next answer was composed in much better English. (I know they are in Taipei but the tech staff handling the English-speaking world ought to be better trained.)
This better-written answer said I could not move any connectors after an install. However, the response (yet again) did not answer the lingering question about why the SATA-III connectors still look like IDE to the boot process. This makes me CRAZY.
By this time I had re-installed the OS with all the SATA connectors attached to the Intel-driven I/O, SATA-II, which was the only way I could get an all-AHCI boot. I had placed a new Crucial 300SSD in the case for the new boot drive, and the install went smoothly and very fast. I left the Marvell and Gigabyte-driven SATA connectors empty, figuring that I could switch them after all drivers were loaded. I knew I had everything as AHCI during boot.
So-Now that I had Win7 running, with Marvell driver and some other drivers (all from the web site to be up-to-date), all apps reloaded, I moved the connectors before I saw the GB's tech response saying I could not do so. The Barracuda XTs went to the SATA-III. I added another drive to SATA-II, a WD 150gig Velicoraptor. Nothing in the docs says I can't move cables and I have never seen a reference to connector-move-restrictions reading hundreds of posts. I guess everyone just knew this. Oooops, my bad.
I saw no operating problems with the connectors moved around as I want them. However, I immediately again saw the SATA-III HDs on the IDE page (first) in the boot screens. So I can say that I have never seen the Marvell SATA lconnect as AHCI.
Could this be hardware related? It's more like firmware or driver related?
The machinery all looks OK in Device Manager, but I do not know how to interpret the "Location" parameters shown for each HD in the Properties. I have re-installed the Marvell driver as a hopeful move. But the "Devices" icons in Win7 (not Device manager) have an icon for Marvell and mousing over that icon shows no driver installed. Weird.
But I sure want to avoid the time sink of going through the whole process again. CS4, Photoshop 5, Office 2010, PaperPort, OmiPage, many little utilities, yada, yada, yada.
1. How do I get all these drives attached through AHCI? All BIOS settings are right.
2. Why are the Marvell-driven connectors resisting AHCI assignment?
Comments, anyone?