I've changed the BIOS settings to run my DDR3-1600 RAM at 1600 (previously at 1066 by default). Settings are 12x(1600) 8-8-8-24/88 1.64v.
Everything's running great, and as expected the green DDR-voltage LED is illuminated. In addition, the green and amber CPU-voltage LEDs are lit. (There's no CPU OCing, only the memory tweaks just listed.) I assume the CPU-voltage lights are because the memory controller is in the i7-950 processor, so it's affected by the DRAM voltage. But is it normal to have an amber light for CPU voltage, not just a green light? (Core temps are fine and no other LEDs are lit.)
GA-X58A-UD3Rr2(FB) i7-950 OCZ3G1600LV6GK(6GB) AntecEarthWatts650W CoolerMasterHyper212+