the thing chugs along fine for a few days or a few weeks or a few months and then suddenly won't start up - saying in the browser "Unable to connect" "Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost:25902." IE doesn't help. I have cold booted to no avail. All that fixes it is a reinstall which is problematic because I am not using the built-in video so the Catalyst (like gasoline?) POS software has to be installed too and I don't want it......but this fixes the RADXpert.
This one bugged the hell out of me for a long time. I found very few hints out there. I can tell you that it's running the Java stuff from here (I suppose the numbers may change?):
And that when that's not there, things can crater. Can? Yeah, sometimes, that folder can be deleted (eg, when clearing the %tmp% folder), and it was just recreated as needed. Anyway, the ugly news is, I never did find the trigger for recreating those bits.
Uglier news? I'm on motherboard #4 now, and the system is stabilized. But I was definitely having very real problems with the first two and that RAID chipset! (Subsequent boards had memory bus "issues.") It wasn't just this RAIDXpert issue -- drives would just randomly drop out of the array, forcing me to run in cripple mode while that rebuilt. Ultimately, when I got a mobo that didn't have that issue, this other problem of the UI going AWOL also disappeared. I can now remove that Jetty folder, and it's just recreated as needed.
I hate to say it... With a credit card, they'll cross-ship a new mobo, and you're out the cost of mailing the old one back and a Saturday morning. Wish I had better suggestions.