« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2010, 07:42:13 am »
I'm sure most of you know that ssd's need to be secure erases from time to time to improve performance. I spent all most a week trying to find a tool that would secure erase my Corsair F60. Gparted, Parted Magic, HDDERASE 4.0 all failed with this mobo.
Then I tried HDDERASE 3.3. You must connect it to sata4 connector and set bios to IDE for connectors 4/5 (on this mobo it is possible whilst leaving sata0-3 in AHCI mode if you want.
HDDERASE 3.3 link:
Then boot from cd or make usb.
All should work.
Does this work with other solid state drives, like Crucial's C300, and other motherboards, like the 890fxa-ud5?

Lancool PC-K62, Gigabyte 890FXA-UD5 Rev.2.1, AMD Phenom II 1090T, ZALMAN CNPS9900ALED, 2x Crucial 64GB RealSSD C300, 2x WD 1TB Caviar Green SATA, Sapphire Radeon HD5770 PCIe, Kingwin Lazer LZ-1000 PSU, 16GB G.Skill Ripjaws F3-10666CL9D-8GBRL, Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit