I am having a freezing/stability issue. Symptoms as follows:
Machine switched on, can reach POST splash, can enter BIOS. After 10 to 60 seconds, screen becomes unresponsive and reset is required.
If hard drive is plugged in, can reach windows logon before screen becomes unresponsive. (roughly the same time frame)
cpu phase lights will generally all come on at startup.
num lock will stay responsive for a minute or so after screen lockup.
This was the setup before problems occurred: (nothing is/has been overclocked)
i7 920, 6GB (3x2) 1066 PQI ram, zotac gtx 470, corsair tx650, win7 ultimate 64
Currently everything is on cardboard for testing purposes (barebones - cpu, vga, 1 mem stick, keyboard - no drives / extras)
Under barebones setup, following tests have been performed:
Reseating cpu.
Different ram manufacturer (corsair 1600 xms3)
Different cpu (i7 950)
CMOS has been reset (through jumper and through battery removal) + default settings
Switched keyboards
Tested the power supply using a multimeter. All readings nominal except for the -12v which is coming in at -10.86.
For informational purposes, the vga and power supply are around 2 months old. (upgraded together)
Any ideas on what I should try next? I'm running out...