OK Mark but it is getting a bit late now as I have been on here since 0700 hours this morning and it takes it's toll

Maybe we will have to finish up tomorrow as it could take a while.
Generally what you need to do is put the memory settings into manual mode and increase the voltage a touch to compensate for the extra loading on the memory controller because of the full slots.
You will need to put up the voltage from 1.5 to 1.55 or if it defaults to 1.65v increase it to 1.7v
The QPI/Vtt voltage must be kept within 0.5v of the memory voltage. It can be closer that isn't a problem. you will probably need to set it to between 1.2 to 1.45v. Something to play around with until you get stability.
Set the timings to whatever the memory is rated at ie 8-8-8-24.
You next have to change your Uncore to twice your memory multiplier or twice plus two. ie if your memory multiplier is 10 then your Uncore must be between 20 and 22.
Well that's the basics and will give you something to play around with for now. Don't forget it is violtage and heat that are your worst enemies.