I'm trying to overclock an Athlon ii x4 640 in this motherboard and it doesn't seem to work at all.
If i raise the fsb on easytune6 in easy mode to let say 220fsb it freezes the OS.
But if i raise the fsb by like 5 at a time, i can raise it more than 220 and then it will freeze up at about 240 or so.
Also if i manually do it in the bios, it still doesn't work.
Tried it only 10 fsb increase at stock cpu voltage but still boots at stock fsb after like 5 sec boot delay.
I tried reinstall the same bios cause there is only 1 version right now but its still the same.
Is it a faulty motherboard, bad memory or PSU?
I have 4gb 1333 ddr3 kingston and 650w PSU btw.