Dear friends
I have a
GA-8S648 motheboard
I decided to upgrade the Award bios from version F5 to F6, so I downloaded the windows utility
@BIOS from Gigabyte's official support site in order to upgrade it. I ran the upgrade utility. The utility created an F5 Backup first, and then while trying to put the F6 version, a blue error screen appeared and the system restarted.
It's obvious that not only the upgrade didn't succed but also the bios crashed.
Now the system always restarts showing the following message on the start screen:
Award Bootblock Bios v1.0
Scanning BIOS Image in Hard DriveI've tried putting a start up disk on the disk drive and a boot cd rom but the system doesn't recognize both devices
One of the first things I've done was to disconnect the battery of the motherboard for a few hours in order for it to discharge. I put it back and there was no result. Well, a bad thing about this motherboard is that it doesn't have jumper pins that reset the bios, but anyways...
So, I figured out that the system is looking for the previous bios version in the hard disk in order to auto install it back. I formated my hard disk in another computer (using windows 98 install disk) and I created a fat32 20GB partition. After that I downloaded the F5 bios version from here ( I unpacked the
motherboard_bios_ga-8s648_f5.exe file which created the following files:
1.autoexec.bat 2.FLASH879.EXE and 3.8S648.F5 I copied those files in the root directory of my
fat32 hard disk, put it back in the
GA-8S648 motherboard and turning on the PC. I left it autorestart for half an hour but nothing happened.
The problem is bigger because when PC restarts can't see the disk drive, the cd rom (the cd rom's lead is flashing though) or the keyboard because the keyborard's num lock caps lock and scroll lock don't flash when I restart the PC.
So the only hope for me is for the system to install the previous bios from the hard disk. I have some questions
1. Before the bios crash the first screen that appeared when turning on the PC was
"GA-8S648 F5". I suppose the
F5 refers to the bios version. In more details by pressing the del key and entering the bios it showed that the exact version was
"Award modular bios V 6.00 PG" 2. Am I trying to reinstall the correct version or no? Do I maybe need to rename the 8S648.F5 bios rom in order for the system to see it?
3. Does the
Fat 32 hard disk needs to have files such as i
o.sys or config.sys in order to restart? Maybe I could make a fat or
a fat16 boot hard disk?
4. Maybe it's better not to try to solve the problem and buy a new socket 478 mobo? Cause the cost to send the mobo back to Gigabyte in order to replace the bios chip is much more bigger...
I am sorry if I made you tired with this big message. I need that PC for my parents to have some access to the internet and not using my new PC. I would be
grateful if someone could give me some help to this important problem