Just received new parts to build my new pc today. Plugged everything in and the pc will fire up for about 5 seconds. All the phase lights on the motherboard will light up but wont get as far as boot.
Hardware specs:
corsair 650 watt psu
corsair 6gb ddr3 memory
ATI 6900 gfx card
intel i5 cpu
2 x 300gb sata hdd
I have rebuilt the system twice in my case and still cant get it to post. All the parts i have listed above are brand new and i have also tried an alternate psu and gfx card.
Have tried placing the mobo on cardboard box and just connecting the cpu, ram, psu and gfx card incase this was short circuiting on my pc case but still no joy. Everything spins for about 5 seconds and sometimes reboots.
Tried with 1 stick of memory also. Seriously beginning to think its a dodgy motherboard after reading similar stories. Any ideas?
wasted 7 hours on this so far