Hi All especially DM

A little late I finished building this box only today ~ pleased to say other than a little head scratching all seems to have gone well but now for the need to for some extra feedback???
Right I installed all my drives (what the heck is a "simple drive") i.e. one drive partitioned for OS and the other for programs and two other HDDs for data etc
Installed the Intel chipset drivers, Audio drivers, LAN drivers, my Dell monitor driver and the graphics card driver (for the record the board has BIOS F11 and the most current is F15 ?)
Connected up my network cable to the Router and now have the following issue:-
W7 Pro says no network access or present
The Router shows this build as a device with an allocated IP address ~ I have not got any default firewall setting blocking new devices (or at least I am sure about this???)
I can access my NAS via its GUI in IE8 but cannot find it using the network \\name method NB Though I have yet to 'install' my HP wireless printer it is shown as being there in the Network device search i.e. the wireless in the Router is finding it under W7
Thinking it might be my NOD Firewall and Security software I tried disabling it but this did not help???
This is all under Admin login
So IMO this is so very odd unless I have missed something so basic I can not see it for the looking???
TIA for any insight?