When I said moved the cable I only meant a fraction as in if there was a bad connection. Any slight movement of the board etc could be enough. But as I said it could be any of the three components, if we are to revert to guessing then yours is as good as mine. 
i soooo completely just dont understand why this isnt working as it should. the parts weren't exactly cheap and now what do I do with it all. It seems like we have tried everything, even taking everything out and putting it all back in one by one, starting from scratch with formatting the hard drives and installing windows vista again.
Does it have something to do with the harddrives on the system? He has 3. one of them is partitioned with windows on it. Its all running the default drivers that come with windows. I know last night when he tried to install the drivers for the graphics card it BSOD. The only thing I can think is that the motherboard (rev 1.5) isn't actually 1.5. Its on the latest F 8 - however im noticing that the rev 1.4 versions of the motherboard have F 10. And how come theres not much information about the rev 1.5 version?
The Gigabyte site clearly says that the motherboard supports the CPU - but does it really? we have a Phenom II x6 - even though the actual motherboard box only says x4............. is this the actual problem?
http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=3621#ov we can get it up and running, but its only a matter of time before it BSOD or when its powered down and then can no longer start or has a problem when it starts again.
A new motherboard, a new CPU, a new power supply, new ram and a new graphics card. Not exactly cheap like I said, and none of it seems to be working together.
I just wanna take it all back to bloody Scan. If I take all the parts back tomorrow what do I say, "It just doesnt work?!" I want replacements. Is it worth me even trying to take it back, and will they allow it? Now he's looking at taking it back and getting something which actually says it supports x6
http://event.asus.com/mb/2010/m4_6cores/ ) If we get a new board, what if that doesnt fix it.
I've read and re-read sooooooo much information about this I actually get a headache trying to find information atleast which is even similar to what the problems are with this. It seems we have tried everything. and no we're going round in circles, because nothing seems to be solving the problem.
What do you suggest I do from this point on?
Dark Mantis, youve been great helping me from the start, what do you think? If i take the parts back, and say they're faulty do I get the same or something different? Or do I just not bother? and spend another almost £300 on another lot - what do I do with what I've got then?