Hey Guys,
I am a bit of a novice when it comes to the hardware side of things so I am here for a bit of advice.
First of all I am wanting to add another GTX 460 in my machine in SLI mode so I will get better framerates and less "screen lag" when on Crysis 2 Demo and soon to be the full release.
I turned up all the options on the Nvidia control panel with my single 460 and its playable but when I am in combat (in the game) it seems to give a bit of delay! Also when starting a match its green for some reason but when i turn the graphics down its fine.
I am thinking putting another 460 in will resolve this or at least give a massive performance increase.
The question is will my current system bottleneck this setup?My full system specifications are below and I appreciate any suggestions or advice.
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate
CPU: Intel Core I5-760
GPU: Gigabyte Geforce GTX 460
PSU: OCZ 700W Modstream Pro ( says nvidia sli ready on the box)
HDD: Samsung Spinpoint F3 1TB Partitioned in 2x 500GB.
RAM: 4GB Ripjaws (i think)
MOBO: Intel DP55WG
Name, Value
Physical Memory 0
Device Locator: J1MY
Bank Label: CHANNEL A DIMM 0
Manufacturer: 0x04CD
Serial Number: 0x00000000
Part Number: 0x46332D3132383030434C372D324742524D00
Type: Unknown
Type Detail: Synchronous
Form Factor: DIMM
Data Width: 64 bit
Total Width: 64 bit
Capacity: 2,048 MB
Speed: 1,333 MHz
Physical Memory 2
Device Locator: J3MY
Bank Label: CHANNEL B DIMM 0
Manufacturer: 0x04CD
Serial Number: 0x00000000
Part Number: 0x46332D3132383030434C372D324742524D00
Type: Unknown
Type Detail: Synchronous
Form Factor: DIMM
Data Width: 64 bit
Total Width: 64 bit
Capacity: 2,048 MB
Speed: 1,333 MHz
Dont know if that helps....
Anyhow... thanks in advance i look forward to your replies!