I have a GA-EG41MF-US2H MB (
http://www.gigabyte.com/products/product-page.aspx?pid=3280#ov), which says it has a '1333/1066/800 MHz FSB ' and also provides 'Support for DDR2 1066(OC)/800/667 MHz memory modules'.
I have Kingston RAM that says it supports 1066MHz (
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Kingston-2G-DDR2-Hyper-Non-ECC/dp/B000HWZJYS/ref=sr_1_9?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1283354181&sr=1-9). However, my processor is currently an Intel E4400, which only has an 800MHz FSB (
http://ark.intel.com/Compare.aspx?ids=29753,27249,). The PC shows as operating at 800Mhz.
I'm considering upgrading my processor to something with a 1066Mhz FSB (eg an Intel 6400). I imagine I'll geta small performance boost from the silightly increased processor speed, but I wondered if and how I could get it operating at the 1066Mhz FSB and making use of the 1066Mhz memory - and if I'll get any significant perfromance increase? The numbers suggest I should get a 33% increase, but all the benchmarks seem to suggest it'll only be about 5-10%, so I'm wondering it is worth the effort.
Although I enjoy playing about with computer components, I'm not really an OverClocker. It is a Media center PC (Win 7 pro, 32 bit) that is also used by the family for basic Office and Internet access.So keeping it reasonably quiet is as important as squeezing out every last drop of performance (although I do transcode video and DVDs, so fast is good too).