Hello everybody...
This is my fist post to the forum and i do not know if have to introduce myself somehow. In any case, hello verybody again!!!
I am having a problem with my new gigabyte X58 USB3 rev 1.0 (Bios F2) and the amount of memory it supports.
CPU is i7 960. PSU is 500W.
1.- i tried memory Patriot sector 7 3-channel (6x2GB)
BIOS detects 2 GB DIMMs in every memory slots but only enables 4 slots so maxium moemry= 8GB when it should be 12GB ARGG!!!
I have tried everything: swapping modules, bios tunning: Vcc, timings, clock speed, etc. No luck!!! still 8 GB enabled
It seemed that only the first 4 (out of 6) DIMM mobo slots are working!
so i thougt: ok, this is a memory modules issue and i changed them for Kingstom 4GB modules in order to use only the fist 4 memory slots.
2.- i tried Kingstom KVR1333D3N9/4G (4x4GB)
Now BIOS only enables only the 2 first slots (out of 6)... so only 8GB whern it should be 16GB AAARG!!!!!!
Again, swapped DIMSS, tunned memory timmings, voltage, clocks, etc. no luck!!
I have checked CPU pins twice. No one seems wrong! I do not think it is a mobo rma issue becasue with Patriot DIMMS 3 and 4 worked!
Please HELP!!!! has someone been able to install a big a mount of memory in this Gigabyte USB3 MOBO?

what memory are you using???
Thanks to all in advance!!!