Official GIGABYTE Forum

GA-P67A-UD7-B3 Question re: front panel header connector for LED reset Switch?


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This seems like a simple question, but I can't find an answer.

I have GA-P67A-UD7-B3, which is working great btw.

Here is my Problem:  I have a Mountain Mods case (Pinnacle 24).  I bought two Bulgin Vandal resistant momentary switches for the power and reset switches.  I have them plugged in properly and they are working fine.  They both have internal LED's.  The power switch LED is working great, and is being powered by the front panel LED header.  However, here is my question, is there a way I can power the LED in the RESET switch with the front panel header?  I tried using the HDD header pins, but that makes the reset switch flash on and off with HDD activity, which is not what I want.  I was thinking maybe the speaker pins might work?   Got any ideas?   All I need is 3.3v.  Thanks in advance.

Dark Mantis

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    • Dark Mantis
Hi and welcome to the Gigabyte Forum.

I would suggest that your easiest and safest route would be to gang up the two power pins from the RESET and POWER switches. That should give you a voltage to the LED permanently. Make sure that you use the positives and you will need to join the two cables. ;)
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