I have 2 x OCZ3G16002G ( 8-8-8-24 1.7 v. CL8 ).I cant overclock the system for 1600 mhz.I changed :
Performans Enchant: Standart
Ram timing voltage 8-8-8-24 Qpi voltage : 1.21v from to 1.35v dram voltage 1.7 v . Trfc : 88 Command rate tried 1t, 2t
BCLK : 160 SPD : X10 Cpu : tried 2.56 - 2.72 ghz - Raise the Vcro voltage.
When the windows starting screen system freezing. Keyboard, Mouse and Cpu`s lamb closed suddenly, i had to reset the machine.
I tried the my friend`s rams.(OCZ3G1600LV4GK 1.64 v 8-8-8-24 ). It is the same thing
So I setted bios, Qpi Voltage : 1.21v from to 1.35 v Dram Voltage : 1.50 from to 1.64v. 7-7-7-20, 8-8-8-24 1333 mhz. Windows can start. But 4-5 hours later or 1-2 hours ( it is changing) later Blue screen or System freezing, Keyboard, Mouse and Cpu`s lamb closed suddenly, i had to reset the machine.
I tried the my friend`s rams for 1333 mhz.(OCZ3G1600LV4GK 1.64 v 8-8-8-24 ). It is the same thing
I booted Memtest and i have 0 error each ram.
I tested 2 gb single each slot.Stable but 1-2 days later Keyboard,Mouse and Cpu`s lambs closed and system Frozen suddenly.I had no blue screen with 2gb just freezing.
My friend also have same problem.He just bought it. His mobo is Gigabyte P55A-UD3.
Note: I uptaded bios ( F13 ). My system is : i5 750 2.66 ghz, Ati 5850 Toxic Sapphire 256 bit 1 gb, 2 x OCZ3G16002G ram and 750 watt Corsair Psu Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit.
I had 500 watt OCZ psu, bought a new psu 750watt, changed ati driver 9-10 times,formatted many times till today but doesnt work.Please help , i will flip out...