Hi Mantis
Being based in mech engineering I know a good product when I see one (Errrrrrr , I think) and at 80 odd quid a pop for 500Gb there cheap as chips, ... even a single one shaved 20 seconds of my boot times by the 3rd cycle (Adaptive on the fly)... 2 in raid0...220mb/ps=1TB of poor-man's SSD for £160 cant be all bad! Because of there price point against performance , I'm tipping these to go main stream big time. Personally if you have a laptop sitting around, rip one of these in, you won't be disappointed........I can see my 6 spinpoints (B drive) being replaced with these in the not too distant future and I suspect an exrta 30% performance and 3KG lighter to boot!,... not to mention greener power consumption!...Now I'm woffling. speak again soon.
Aussie Allan