Today I have tried to just start alien vs predator with DX 9 instead of DX11... it works. (I have been playing some DX9 games without problems, so not weirdness here).
Later I tried with DX11... it worked!!!!!!! O_o
After that test, I set the OC as it comes as default... Tried the game again... and it works o_O
what the... maybe some type of windows patch?
what the... ¬_¬
Trying again... maxed the game... completely, antialiasing x4, anisotropic x16... it is working O_o
yesterday the larger time I got to play was 1 minute...
("the hunt starts" "kick your firsts alien!!" you kick him a little... FREEZE!!!) but now I am playing without any problem... :S and with the OC from gigabyte :S :S :S
I have observed a difference:while playing the second monitor is black instead of the windows desktop screen with the nvidia system monitor and afterburner in it Temperature: max 85 as stated by afterburner!!
hmmmm... have the gpu got scare after I sent the email to the shop?
I will do more testing. Ah, I am going to try crysis a bit more...
weird O_o o_O O_O
Tomorrow I go on vacations... so the tests will continue in 10 days from now...