Official GIGABYTE Forum

Z69-UD3H-B3 no power at all?

Z69-UD3H-B3 no power at all?
« on: March 22, 2012, 09:44:50 pm »
Hi guys I am scratching for ideas here so I hope you can help me? I set this board up yesterday with an Intel I7-2700K and two G-skill ripjaw DDR3 memory modules. Everything fitted up nice and installation was a breeze. The problem arose when I turned the unit on or rather tried to. Nothing! Not an LED lights up , no fans move at all and basically there is no power anywhere to be found. I removed the board and processor and re fitted all my old gear, (I7-960 on an X-58 Gigabyte board with the same memory etc) and everything purrs into life just fine. I guess that rules out the Video card and power supply, (Antech trupower 750) and I would guess the memory also.

What's wierd is that there is just no power going to anything. I have had this sort of thing happen before but I usually had an LED or two light up and a fan spin or something similar but never a case of zero power of any kind. Can anyone here help me please as I really got excited about this build and it's now just a big letdown? Is the board dead possibly? Any and all help deeply appreciated. :)

Thanks in advance.  /*pops beercan top. Time to wait on the wise at the Gigabyte forums. :)


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    • Gigabyte Support (TweakTown USA)
Re: Z69-UD3H-B3 no power at all?
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2012, 04:27:13 pm »
You may need to borrow an older CPU to update the BIOS.   Since this is a new board and not used, it may have an older BIOS in it that doesn't support the 2700K (F4 is the earliest one that does)

So, in order to find out if this is the main issue or not, you'll need to borrow or find a friend that will let you test with their 2500/2600 CPU, or lower ones like 2100 would work too

If you can't do that right away, the next testing you should do is get the board out of the case and OFF the motherboard tray and try starting it on a wooden table or cardboard box, with NOTHING connected but the CPU/heatsink, one stick of memory, and your keyboard.   Do not connect any USB devices, hard drives, CD/DVD drives, graphics cards, ect.

If you are unable to find a older CPU to test with, please take some images of your CPU socket so we can be sure bent CPU socket pins are not the issue here.   Do this in a well lit room with NO flash, macro mode enabled on the camera, and take images from several angles off to the side of the socket (IE not straight down).  And then post them here, do not resize them, but post links only for large images


Before you get into any of the above, have you tried clearing the CMOS?   Switch the PSU off in the rear, then press and hold the case power on button for one minute.  Then remove the CMOS battery and short the clear CMOS pins for one minute.   Then remove the short, put the battery back, and turn on the PSU and try it again.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2012, 04:28:38 pm by Lsdmeasap »

Re: Z69-UD3H-B3 no power at all?
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2012, 09:33:48 pm »
Thank you for the reply LsD I do appreciate the help. I did as you asked and found a mate with a 2600 chip and gave it a run. Still nothing i'm afraid. No power and not even an LED lit. It seems the board is dead and I will RMA it on monday. Thank you again for the suggestions. :) Oh and I did a pin check and all was well. I must have just been unlucky it seems.


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    • Gigabyte Support (TweakTown USA)
Re: Z69-UD3H-B3 no power at all?
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2012, 06:27:48 pm »
Nice to see you were able to find another CPU to test with!  Sorry it didn't help :(

Did you try it outside of the case yet?   How about an extended clear CMOS, did you try that yet?