Official GIGABYTE Forum

GA-EP45-UD3LR & AHCI issues

GA-EP45-UD3LR & AHCI issues
« on: November 11, 2009, 04:24:19 pm »
As you can see by the tittle i'm using a GA-EP45-UD3LR with the latest bios (F7) which came pre-loaded with the board, the problem i'm having is only present in AHCI mode, when i try to boot using a CD such as memtest and Western Digital Diagnostics the system will not boot from the media inserted (IDE CD-ROM drives), this also happens when i try to boot using any USB flash drive that contains the very same software, also, if i boot a piece of software called SpinRite6 all is fine except that SpinRite hangs when i try to select the HDD that i wish to work on, all the above only happens when the ICH10R is in AHCI mode.

If i switch the ICH10R to IDE mode everything i try boots and works just fine, the thing is, i've used ASUS boards for years and never had a problem running in AHCI mode, so to me, it seems like there is an issue with AHCI mode on this board, or Gigabyte boards in general.

At the moment i'm very impessed with the board apart from this AHCI issue, so, can anyone tell me if there is a way to solve this problem or if there going to be a bios update in the near future that addresses this issue.

« Last Edit: November 11, 2009, 04:27:12 pm by d.chatten »

Re: GA-EP45-UD3LR & AHCI issues
« Reply #1 on: November 12, 2009, 01:17:17 am »
I've just tested the board again in RAID mode without setting up a raid array and as said above, the same issue occurs, so it must be the AHCI mode as setting raid in bios and not setting up a raid array results in the HDDs running in AHCI mode.