Official GIGABYTE Forum

Positive Gigabyte UK RMA experience

Positive Gigabyte UK RMA experience
« on: June 08, 2011, 05:25:14 pm »
Hi all, we are all quick enough to go online & complain when Companies screw up & leave us hanging for weeks when we RMA stuff.  I just thought I'd let you guys know about my recent experience with Gigabyte UK regarding RMA'ing my GA-790XTA-UD4 motherboard due to many issues that effected system stability.  One of the minor issues was due to watercooling leak the top PCI slot was burnt out (not the reason I RMA'd, infact I didn't even mention this in my discussions with tech. support).

Basically once I had my RMA authorised, I sent the board back next day delivery, amazingly the board was repaired the day it arrived & was posted back that day.  2 days after I posted off the board it arrived back, STABLE, working as it should & they even replaced the PCI slot that I damaged myself.

I build/upgraded etc plenty of systems for friends, family & part-time as a business & in my experience any kind of RMA usually takes longer than a couple of days before the user receives their item back.

**Note for any Gigabyte reps. that come across this post, please forward this feedback back to the powers that be**

Even the mighty Corsair (perceived market leaders in customer care) took a total of 10 days to replace my faulty DDR3 RAM.

I really am VERY impressed,well done & keep up the good work.  (Not a fanboy, my HTPC has a ASUS MB in it & my graphics card is Sapphire)
965BE 20x200=4GHz/Gigabyte GA-790XTA-UD4
4890 1GB 900-975/8GB Corsair Dom. C8 DDR3
1TB  & 2TB Samsung HDD’s/LG GGC-H20L/CM Cosmos 1000
Custom Watercooled/Seasonic X-760 PSU


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Re: Positive Gigabyte UK RMA experience
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2011, 05:46:54 pm »
Nice to see a positive post and a good experience of the RMA process.

Unlike you, I am a dedicated Gigabyte user and, touch wood, so far I have not needed to RMA any item but it's nice to know that should I ever need to it should be painless and easy to do.

Thanks for sharing this.

ps I have removed your duplicate post under the AMD section in an effort to keep the Forum tidy!
Remember, when all else fails a cup of tea and a good swear will often help! It won't solve the problem but it will make you feel better.

Dark Mantis

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Re: Positive Gigabyte UK RMA experience
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2011, 11:27:22 pm »
Agreed that it's nice to hear some good news especially on the forum which by it's very nature always seems to be quite the opposite. If you want to talk to a Gigabyte employee then you could PM runn3R the Forum Administrator here :;u=13
Gigabyte X58A-UD7
i7 920
Dominators 1600 x6 12GB
6970 2GB
256GB SSD, Sam 1TB, WDB320GB
HAF 932

Gigabyte Z68X-UD5-B3
i7 3770K
Vengeance 1600 16GB
6950 2GB
Revo Drive x2, 1.5TB WDB RAID0
16x DLRW
StrikeX S7
Full water cooling
3 x 27" Iiy


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Re: Positive Gigabyte UK RMA experience
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2011, 08:46:13 am »
Hi Damian

Thanks for the feedback.
I'm glad you are happy with our RMA  :)
ZX-S & C64 are still my favourites ;-)