First le me say that I am very happy with my system. I am running an E8500 Intel and OCZ 1066 Reaper memory. The CPU is at 3.8 GH and the memory is at 1066. I have talked to another person that has the same set up except for the Memory. With mine I have the BIOS set up with the (G)MCH Frequency Latch at [AUTO] and my System Memory Multiplier 2.66. The 2.66 times the CPU Host Frequency 400 equals 1066. He has the (G)MCH Frequency Latch at 400MHz instead of [AUTO]. He has the CPU Host Frequency 375 and the System Memory Multiplier at 2.0. His Memory Frequency is 876. Shouldn't that be 2 times 375 = 750? What would happen if he changes the (G)MCH Frequency Latch to AUTO? What does the MCH Frequency Latch do?
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