I ran Memtest86 and Memtest86 +. Lately I used Memtest86 +, because the first time I used Memtest86 (without the symbol +), in the transition between step one and step two, appeared artifacts: strange symbols on the screen and, from what little I could see, I noticed that Memtest continued to run its tests.
They told me that it is a symptom of a failed bank. Today, I tried again to make three consecutive passes, a tour at a time: Both, of course, number one slot.
The first bank of RAM has been tested without problems, the second, before he was about to end, pressed "c" button for configuration and to set the range of memory, but the dodge is locked: Classic freeze.
A strange thing I noticed is that both sticks of ram, once marked a speed of megabytes equal to 11900 (11780) and, sometimes, 12480 (12375), that is to be a little 'accident.
It should always maintain this same speed?