likeminded thinking, cannot believe how long a backup from the usb3 external drive was going to tale ....11 hours. Couldnt be bothered so reloaded win again with all the pain of updates etc. Well Im back to where I started right now , with my 2 1TB raid0 , with the two 2Tb sata3 on the shelf. May decide to use them for as NAS , and off load all the large video, music & photos to them. Never used NAS system so could you advise on which one to go for, ie Netgear, Dlink
? and any pitfalls with the concept.
Either have I, but I know several people that use them, both wired and wireless networks.....If you need a read, go here!.... At the end of the day Storage is Storage, whether it's in your PC , sitting on the desk, or even in the spare room up stairs connected wirelessly, raid or non raid........NAS or "Network Attached Storage" is becoming more popular as drives and empty NAS boxes have started hitting the shelves.
Adding extra storage can be as simple as popping in an extra drive to your NAS box.......nothing else!.......and some of the latest wireless Boxes boast 802.11N speeds!........Bargain!
Aussie Allan