ive been too-ing and fro-ing with Gigabyte Support for weeks now with no fix to this issue, it seems aswell that its difficult to explain problems to them as they are obviously not great english speakers.
...so Im wondering if anyone on here can help?
My dad has a 2500k @ 4.5Ghz (Auto voltages) and in BIOS it reports at 1.296v or so..(great!) but, I just can not get a reading for Vcore Voltage whilst in Windows so we can see what its doing under-load, nothing in ET6 and CPU-Z (latest ver) and HWmonitor (latest ver) both display the QPI/vtt voltage settings (1.056v)... its of my opinion that software that reads from these new boards (where you can not adjust Vcore directly and can only adjust DVID offset) needs updating to recognize the boards and read them correctly - or the BIOS is dodgy on these boards... I have tried 3 BIOS's including the new F4 bios
Gigabyte Support ask me to read Vcore from ET6 as its their product but thing is it dont display Vcore at all for my board and if it did it doesnt show you what the 'current' Vcore is... it only shows you the default setting and the target (manual) setting at Power On - it does not show you what the current Vcore is at (as far as im aware) and anyway it doesnt have it for mine... on these boards you have Dynamic Vcore (DVID) setting which applies an offset to the actual Vcore.. so if you want to lower voltages on Vcore by 0.010 you apply an offset on DVID on -0.010 and reboot - great, I can accept that, but what about Vcore readings in windows?