I bought this board very recently to be the base of my new future proof build but im worried that when i get a second GPU the fans arent going to have the clearance to cool effectively.
I want to use:
2 x N560GTX-TI Twin Frozr II/OC
The two PCI-E x16 slots are really close to each other, i think there will only be about 4/5 mm clearance for the downfacing twin fans on the top GPU.
Im suprised they are so close to be honest especially on such a high end board*.
worried im going to have to get a different GPU or Mobo but i really like the two im using tbh.
So 2 questions:
1. Has anyone tried a setup with 2 way sli on a card with this type of cooler and such little clearance between the pair? (sucessfully)
2. ive also read people say that using two x16 slots for sli provides little advantage, so is it worth using the PCIEx8_2 slot for the second card?
My frst sli setup so forgive me if im asking stupid questions ive done alot of searching but its only got me conflicting results
this is the gpu:

(ps yes i know research prevents this kind of thing i stupidly presumed that the two x16 slots would be far apart*