I've been having the same problem as many other with the same GPU.
But i havent figured out how to fix it yet.
I've been having the driver crashes, green screen when playing video, random flickering in games and the newest addition is this pixel frenzy on youtube.

The current setup in MSI Afterburner is the following.

I've also tried to downgrade to reference card setup:

None of this seems to work, still get that flickering on youtube, i havent tried playing games yet but it will probably be the same.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
And do i have to restart my computer every time i change settings in Afterburner?
My setup is the following.
Mobo: MSI P67A-GD65 REV B3
CPU: Intel Core i5 2500K 3,3GHz
RAM: Corsair 8GB (2x4096MB) CL9 1600Mhz VENGEANCE BLUE
PSU: Corsair TX 850W V2 80+ Bronze
And i use the newest drivers from Nvidia: 285.38 for Battlefield 3.
Would appreciate the help very very much!