Hi All,
I have the GA-H55-USB3 REV 1 board, and have purchased an external SansDigital SAS enclosure. It comes bundled with the HighPoint 2722 PCIeX8 SAS RAID Controller.
Issue: When I use the RAID card to build the array, it hangs for about 30 seconds, drops the discs, and then fails.
I am going to try a different RAID Card - Areca 1880X PCIx8 Card - HOWEVER - before I do: can anyone confirm that I can use my only PCIeX16 slot for this purpose? Or do I really need to only use that slot for GRPHX Cards...?
Background: I see in the forum that others have had this exact same issue (with the 2720 card) - and they ended up switching to another MoBo. Well - I am not going to switch. So I want to make sure that I am using the MoBo in such a way that is supported. I was going to try the Areca ARC 1880X SAS Controller next - but it is $700 bucks. So - before I go thru the head-ache..
Pierre can chime-in on this one?

I know you are going to ask the following:
PSU is 650W
Ram is Corsair 8GB
RAID on the board is disabled
Intel Core i7
Windows Server 2008 R2
Latest Firmware and drivers for the highpoint 2722 card are installed
Connecting to External SansDigital TR8M enclosure with WD RE4-GP (Enterprise) drives.
Did I miss anything?