Thread open again ..Tee Hee!
Well the research is painful so No long answers tonight folks , but I will say this!
Think of it like this .......lets forget for a sec about Thermodynamics, solid state fluid motors, Gallium and sodium liquid compounds and concentrate on a few facts!
liquid metal can have an effective thermal conductivity 10 to 100 times the thermal conductivity of copper ....FACT!
Copper is 668 times more thermally conductive then pure water....FACT!
Water ...0.6 [W/(m·K)] ...Copper ...401 [W/(m·K)] Air ...0.025.....FACT!
Now for all those water cooling Guru's out there, tell me this , .. ...... We have a CPU with a confirmed heat-load rating of 130Watts ..

....... One 140mm x140mm x40mm Rad and attached fan rated at about 2000RPM .... and I'm going to be really optimistic and say we have a 200ml capacity
Who thinks that the above toy list could overcome the heat load with just pure water in the loop 
More answers over the next couple of days.........................Aussie Allan