just to be clear, I did not flash the beta in the motherboard, but version F4.
Currently when the celeron boots, the leds go out right after the post (when the pc is in searching bootdisk-status).
If I do all the tests with OCCT (is prime95 also ok?), we can have the following situations:
1: Celeron test = OK -> motherboard +CPU look OK
2: 2600K leds go out after post and cpu test = ok -> no cpu or motherboard RMA
3: 2600K leds stay on, CPU test OK -> Mobo RMA???
4: 2600K leds stay on, CPU test NOK -> 2600K RMA
5: 2600K leds stay on, but go out later than with the celeron and CPU test OK -> Mobo RMA
6: 2600K leds stay on, but go out later than with the celeron and CPU test NOK -> 2600K RMA
Let's hope we don't end up in situation 3 or 5.
Alan, when I played with the bios settings, I got a spontaneous poweroff-poweron again, this time with the celeron in it. Is it normal for Gigabyte Z68 mobo's to do that?