After having run for 4 days like a dream, sincer yesterday I am having a boot issue.
When booting the pc after a night or after not having used it for half a day , the pc reboots and starts up with a different Bios.
I am using version F9c and than it is using version F5.
The problem than is that when it starts up with vF5 I only see the value of the processor and no other lines are showing.
The pc keeps rebooting.
After I have reset the Bios, the pc starts up and show the Logo, but no repsond to keyboard input.
Then 4 or 5 reboots later suddenly the pc repsonds to the keyboard, I choos my saved Bios profile with Bios F9c and the pc boots up normally.
Now I can do whatever I want and the pc is runnign fine.
When rebooting no issues at all.
But when having used the pc for half a day or again the next morning this issue starts over again.
Help is appriciated.
Hardware :
I7-2600K @ 4.8 Ghz
z68XP-UD7 latest Bios : F9c
8Gb G.Skill Ripjaws 2133 mhz with fanmodule running at Expert/Extreme setting Timings
Gigabyte GTX580 SO running @ 905 mzh
OCZ 1000W psu
1x OCZ 60 Gb SSD sata 3
3x OCZ 120 Gb SSD sata 3
Thermaltake Kandalf case with factory built in liquid cooling system
Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit
Voltages :
Vcore 1.39
Loadline 6
QPI 1.16
System agent 0.965
PCH auto
CPU Pll 1.84
Dram 1.66
Temp idle 34 C
Temp max 66 C