Computer does not post and i get 3 beeps then a pause and another 3 beeps this cycle continues until i disconnect the power supply the fans all run when i turn power on.
the m/board was sent back for repair but the shop told me it was replaced but i got back my original board which i know for fact. and i have cross referenced m/board serial numbers and it is my original
so now i dont know if its still the board or another issue?
problem only occured when i went to fit new cpu cooler & the amd heatsink glued itself to the cpu and pulled the cpu out of the socket without the release lever being lifted.
system specs : Phenom II 1100T, GA-990FXA-UD3, Coolermaster GX750w, corsair vengance 1600 mhz 2x4 gb, gigabyte 6950 1gb, ocz vertex 3 ssd
WD caviar blue 500gb Hdd, liteon DVD drive, Win 7 pro 64