Official GIGABYTE Forum

GV-N560OC-1GI Problem!

GV-N560OC-1GI Problem!
« on: December 30, 2011, 09:12:57 am »
My GV-N560OC-1GI has flashed twice (screen goes blank for ~5 seconds) then screens comes back up and there's a quick-notification saying my GV-N560OC-1GI crashed but has recovered.

My current BIOS is, I tried to flash to the newest BIOS via but it states "BIOS version does not match".

I have already upgraded the latest drivers to ForceWare 285.62

Besides that, this card is still at exact factory settings [Core Clock 900 / Shader Clock 1800 / Memory Clock 2004]

This is the card I bought:

What is the problem here? It has happened twice over 8 hours. Do I need to return this card and buy another more reliable card?

Many thanks in advance!
« Last Edit: December 30, 2011, 09:14:08 am by r2yneth »

Re: GV-N560OC-1GI Problem!
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2011, 01:23:39 pm »
Hi r2yneth, I can't be much help with your Bios problem, but the black screen errors sounds like it's a Timeout Detection and Recovery crash, which, unfortunately is a common problem with many of the 500 series cards, especially the 560's.

There is a thread in the Nvidia forums which covers some of the the problems and work arounds. Most people think it's a driver issue because rolling back from any of the 280 drivers to the 275 or 270 drivers will fix it. I've had the same problem with my 560 soc, plus an added glitch where the gpu fans would go full load at random with any drivers above the 270's.

I've sent my card in for RMA around the 11th of November, I still haven't had it returned, the shop I bought it from got in touch with Gigabyte about it taking so long and it turned out Gigabyte had lost it in the system!  >:(

I guess the options are to either wait and hope that new drivers will fix the issue, return it to the shop for a refund if possible or put your faith in Gigabytes RMA service...  :-\

Rolling back the drivers will work, but isn't much help if you need the newer drivers to play things like Skyrim or BF3 (which is why I went for the RMA)

Have a look through that Nvidia thread, quite a few possible fixes have been posted in it, but many recommend down clocking the card  >:( Which isn't good enough IMO when you've spent the extra for an OC version.

Sorry all that rambling may not be much help - Inadaze


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Re: GV-N560OC-1GI Problem!
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2011, 06:50:18 pm »
I'll jump in on this thread, saves making my own.

Exactly the same as "r2yneth"... I've no idea what's causing it. Fresh install of OS fixed it for about a week - then BOOM, driver crashes every 2 minutes, just from general use of the PC. Cannot play games as it just freezes. Cannot change BIOS because it says the new BIOS doesn't match my card... when it's clearly the right card. Ironically, when I last flashed the BIOS (about 2 months ago... several reformats a go), it worked flawlessly and it seemed to fix the problem I was having at the time (BF3 black screen & ctd/driver crash)- but the problems then are completely different from the problems I'm facing now!

1 thing I've noticed, on the back of the box my card came in, bottom left, it says "12BB3-N560OG-00AR". I'm not sure if this has any relevance to anything, but considering the card is meant to be model "GV-N560OC-1GI", why would it say that?

I'm at my wits end with this, about to RMA soon if I can't find a solution.

I'm hoping someone figures something out & fast, this was meant to be a sound upgrade and it's turned into a nightmare.


Re: GV-N560OC-1GI Problem!
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2011, 05:33:10 am »
Ok, I also am having a problem with my brand new card (just received it yesterday) and I need some advice.

So I made an upgrade to my PC by buying this card (upgraded from 8800GT) and 8GB of DDR2 RAM. Now the memories are working fine, but this card just can't handle anything. It works most of the time on the desktop, but as soon as more firepower is needed the screen goes dark and the system hangs. It can't even do the Windows Experience Index test. It just crashes, I was able to actually get inside a game for a 1min with some old drivers but it also crashed.

I've tried everything. Flashing to the latest BIOS, a multitude of nvidia drivers, from the latest certified, to the latest beta, to the ones windows update installs, to the ones i can download from gigabytes' site, always using driver sweeper. Eventually it happens with all of them. It's unusable.

Now, here's the crazy part, I installed Ubuntu on my machine and there are no issues at all, obviously Linux doesn't have BSOD, but the card actually works and performs well on everything, no locks, no need to restart X, everything works normally. So I format my HDD, with a fresh install of Windows, just in case that was the issue, but the card goes back to it's crashing ways.

My first instinct was PSU, but I have a 700w PSU and the two 6-pin connectors properly attached, and I don't really have anything much attached to that PSU. It just doesn't make sense.

I'm absolutely out of ideas. Is it possible there is some faulty processor in the card that's causing this, something that's DirectX only? Should I contact the store to get a new card or a refund?


Re: GV-N560OC-1GI Problem!
« Reply #4 on: December 31, 2011, 06:58:51 am »
Still no luck to fixing the problem  :'(

Do gigabyte techs answer these forum questions?

Re: GV-N560OC-1GI Problem!
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2011, 06:09:43 pm »
After reading about the issue of drivers failing in the nvidia forum I have enjoyed a certain amount of success running games after disabling the adaptive mode in the nvidia driver and choosing "prefer maximum performance" on power management mode. Perhaps that will help you.

My card however is still far too unreliable, crashing twice in the desktop just right now  :-\

Re: GV-N560OC-1GI Problem!
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2012, 09:58:22 pm »
After reading about the issue of drivers failing in the nvidia forum I have enjoyed a certain amount of success running games after disabling the adaptive mode in the nvidia driver and choosing "prefer maximum performance" on power management mode. Perhaps that will help you.

My card however is still far too unreliable, crashing twice in the desktop just right now  :-\

Trying that now, thanks a lot! Hopefully no more errors :D

Re: GV-N560OC-1GI Problem!
« Reply #7 on: January 02, 2012, 10:26:50 pm »
After reading about the issue of drivers failing in the nvidia forum I have enjoyed a certain amount of success running games after disabling the adaptive mode in the nvidia driver and choosing "prefer maximum performance" on power management mode. Perhaps that will help you.

My card however is still far too unreliable, crashing twice in the desktop just right now  :-\

Trying that now, thanks a lot! Hopefully no more errors :D

No luck here....