Hello Gigabyte team and hello to all on the forums. My names Paul and I go by the nick paulie or pablo
As you can probably guess I'm new to the forums but I wanted to register to try and put my own view accross about the forth coming 1155 board the using the Z77 chipset the Sniper M3 Matx that has been showcased on Tweaktown from CES.
First off i just would like to say, I can't %^&*ing wait for this board to come out!!!!11
I know the board is not finished yet and won't be out for good few months yet but it is so good to see an alternative performance matx board for 1155 socket. The 3 PIC-E slots and 1 PCIe x1 is a great combination imo for a matx, i know some will prefer to have a pci but hopefully you'll be able to include some of the key features like the onboard supreme fx hardware and the killer NIC chipset. Will be interesting to see if it all fits.
I like the colour scheme you've chosen for this range but I pray you DONT decide to replace functional heatsinks with mock toy guns.
The world will be a better place the more choice we have with performance orientated matx boards