Well this is a very long over due update
So very much has happened over the run up to Christmas and new year it's hard to know where to start .... local suppliers continue to be my Achilles heel for raw materials and product .... unrealistic pricing and email responses in the weeks , not days! .... it's like being on another planet trying to set up a business.
Shopping out of China carries it's risks, not to mention the import duties added on to the base price and shipping .... but why is it I can land a given material from half way around the the world by air, for 10% of the local price .... unless the government do something in educating local business and banks that we now live in a truly global market .... the economy will continue to fail .... I make regular overseas payment transaction on a weekly bases......take the humble PayPal for instance, ......... even transferring cash is a cost effective, no brainer, hassle free path.
But my bank requires for each transaction .....my passport, the card account in question , drivers licence, two other forms of ID and £25 to send funds to Australia or China

... Are they mad!
Anyway, enough about politics .........The humidity enclosure is finished except for the double glazed lid .... 6x TEC Blocks are installed with there power supplies .... I decided to go with individual PSUs here ..... this way if a singe PSU or Peltier block fails on the cooling ......I don't cook the whole shabang...... Got a right handy new cooling fluid ready to go ..... almost ..... coming to the end of it's product trial .... got two formulations, one for passive cooling loops and one for active cooling ...... remains quite pumpable down -40C with more than double the thermal efficiency of Ethylene Glycol/water mixes.....Decided long ago that the cooling blocks for this outfit would need something special regards design and material over present, commercially available units.
I'm excited to say the waterblocks are almost completed, both the design and a new material that seem to be out performing Cu (Copper) .... also a new type of vein surface for the coolant to flow over .... we've managed to squeeze in a surface area equal to a plate measuring 126mmx126mm into the water block barely 40x40mm internal.
Still having trouble with the RAD model that will be used ... unhinges people when you tell them you need 6 x 360s and would they like to become a sponsor ..... Funny thing is ..... not one of the many sponsors I have so far , have really anything to do with the computer Industry.
I really though people would step up to the plate and support such a PC project ..... all I can find is people telling me their prices and buy now before the prices go up! ..... Yeah!... right!
Till next time ........Aussie Allan