As it happens, I have enough USB2 slots and no USB3 devices, and enough SATA2 slots and no SATA3 devices. I shall see how it goes. I wish that I had a repeatable test for the problem, though - I hate non-deterministic or intermittent faults 
I've no idea what USB2 speed I am seeing. My fastest USB2 device is a card reader, and I suspect that my disks are the bottleneck when downloading digital photographs. I just walk away and come back when it's done!
I also just had enough USB 2 slots at rear (lost USB 3 slots) Also have 4 front USB ports at front of PC though one is channelled from rear port via
inside of case. Also use internal USB connectors. The reason I noticed the slow down of USB 2 was using 3 different USB sticks. Though I
have network drive used USB sticks for drivers & some software. Suddenly found they took forever to load blank screen or green loader bar at top
of USB window. Could put same sticks in another PC & instant loading. Most unused files are stored on external USB network so too much to swop
to SATA 3. Boot up & shut down is fairly fast but not used for any heavy work. Runs OK with Hybrid FTA TV & Satellite card though not used it to
record, have other equipment for that. As far as I'm concerned SATA 3 & USB 3 are a total botch up on this board & it has had a few clean installs
& tested quite a lot of latest drivers. It might be worth trying the free ATTO test software for drives as the mix of Marvell & USB 3 drivers on my
board just seemed to slow things down. Even system restore didn't help so just wiped & started afresh without certain drivers. Most drivers I
use are near latest but had problems with Intel accelerator drivers on another PC & SSD, it slowed things down !!
Regards tinker.